Five-day Durga Puja festival concludes in Kolkata with grand carnival on Red Road

Five-day Durga Puja festival concludes in Kolkata with grand carnival on Red Road

Goddess Durga idols at the puja carnival in Kolkata on Friday. | Photo Credit: PTI The Durga Puja festival in Kolkata concluded on Friday with a grand carnival on Red Road. About 100 big-budget Durga Puja committees participated in the event, with thousands gathering to watch the idols of goddess Durga being taken for immersion … Read more

Numaish: Nostalgia, fairy lights, spicy food

Numaish: Nostalgia, fairy lights, spicy food

The milling crowds, the fairy lights of ferris wheel, the metallic whirr and roar inside the well of death, the wafting aroma of roasting corn, the sizzle of mirchi bhajji spell only one thing at the Numaish — money. They spell big money for hundreds of families that look forward to the 46-day shopping fiesta … Read more

Pandemic or no, CEO pay rises again. Typical package: $12.7 million


As COVID-19 ravaged the world last year, CEOs’ big pay packages seemed to be under as much threat as everything else. Fortunately for those CEOs, many had boards of directors willing to see the pandemic as an extraordinary event beyond their control. Across the country, boards made changes to the intricate formulas that determine their … Read more