Gujarat lawyer caught smoking during virtual hearing apologises to HC, pays Rs 10,000


A Gujarat advocate, who was chided and fined Rs 10,000 after the judge caught him smoking during virtual proceedings, has apologised to the court and paid the amount. Advocate JV Ajmera tendered an unconditional apology to the Gujarat High Court, as was recorded in order on October 5, The Indian Express reported. The report added … Read more

World Heart Day 2020: Significance and relevance of the day dedicated to cardiac health

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Patients affected by cardiac diseases, have to spend a lot of their financial resources on their diagnosis, treatment and subsequent recovery. (Photo source: IE) By Dr. Bharat Shivdasani  World Heart Day: The heart which is approximately the size of your wrist and weighs about 600 gms is the most exquisite and well-designed machine or organ … Read more

World Heart Day: These hidden factors can put your heart at risk


While sudden pain in the chest or the arm are obvious signs, there are plenty of others you should watch out for. By Dr. H P Bharathi   World Heart Day: Around the turn of the century, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) became the leading cause of mortality in India. The epidemiological transition can be attributed largely … Read more

Smoking Ups Your Risk of a Fatal Brain Bleed

By Robert Preidt HealthDay Reporter THURSDAY, Sept. 17, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Smokers have a significantly raised risk of dying from a bleeding stroke, a new study warns. For the study, researchers analyzed data from over 16,000 same-sex twin pairs in Finland. The twins were born before 1958 and followed for about 42 … Read more

COVID Risk Up to 7 Times Higher for Young Vapers

By Serena Gordon HealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, Aug. 11, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Young people who use electronic cigarettes face an increased risk of COVID-19 infection, according to a new study. Teens and young adults who vaped were five times more likely to be diagnosed with COVID-19. And young folks who vape and … Read more

Anti-GBM (Goodpasture’s) Disease | NIDDK

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On this page: What is anti-glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) disease? Anti-GBM disease is a disorder in which your body’s immune system creates antibodies that attack your kidneys and lungs. As a result, you may develop one or both of these conditions glomerulonephritis—inflammation of the glomeruli, tiny units in your kidney that filter wastes and extra fluid from your … Read more