Fed maintains monetary stimulus, cites moderating recovery


By Matthew Boesler Federal Reserve officials left their benchmark interest rate unchanged near zero as they flagged a moderating U.S. recovery and reiterated a pledge to use all available tools to support the economy during the coronavirus pandemic. The central bank’s policy-making body also repeated it would maintain its bond-buying program at the current pace … Read more

Biden signs executive order rejoining Paris climate agreement


US President Joe Biden has signed an executive order to rejoin the historic Paris agreement on climate change, a commitment that he made during his election campaign. The Trump administration on November last formally withdrew from the Paris accord, a decision originally announced three years ago, arguing that the agreement was disadvantageous for the US, … Read more

Can Donald Duck conviction second time round?


Washington: US President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial could begin on Inauguration Day, just as Joe Biden takes the oath of office. The trial timeline and schedule are largely set by Senate procedures and will start as soon as the House delivers the article of impeachment. That could mean starting the trial at 1 pm on … Read more

View: Will US go the whole hog with Trump’s second impeachment?


Donald Trump secured a unique place in history by becoming the first US president to be impeached twice — this time for ‘incitement of insurrection’ — in the final act of a drama that has lasted four years. The second impeachment came 13 months after the first on charges of abuse of power and obstruction … Read more

American democracy could withstand a coup-like assault, but it will be on crutches for a while


After sending his violent supporters to storm the US Capitol, President Donald Trump is deemed a clear and present danger to the republic. Calls from Democrats are growing for him to resign immediately because he simply should not have access to America’s nuclear codes. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi threatened to impeach Trump for the second … Read more

Google says Australian law on paying for news is unworkable


CANBERRA: A Google executive said on Friday that a proposed Australian law to make digital platforms pay for news was unworkable and its proposed arbitration model was biased toward media businesses. Google Australia and New Zealand Managing Director Mel Silva made her first public comments on the details of the proposed legislation since it was … Read more

How Biden could steer a divided government


By David Brooks It’s easy to imagine ways Joe Biden’s presidency might open very badly. COVID-19 may still be spiking. The economy could slip back into recession. Mitch McConnell might still control the Senate, blocking every major Biden proposal. Donald Trump will be unleashed as National Narrator blasting everything that happens. Things don’t get much … Read more

Ahead of U.S. election, Facebook suspends political and new group recommendations


Facebook Inc confirmed on Friday it was temporarily halting recommendations for all political groups and any new groups in the run-up to Tuesday’s U.S. presidential election. Facebook’s Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg referred to one of the changes during a Senate hearing on Wednesday, saying: “We have taken the steps to stop recommendations in groups … Read more

What’s in the US law protecting internet companies – and can it be changed?


The chief executives of Twitter Inc , Facebook Inc and Alphabet Inc’s Google defended a law protecting internet companies before a Senate panel on Wednesday as lawmakers seek ways to hold Big Tech accountable for how they moderate content on their platforms. The hearing was about Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which offers … Read more

Traders across assets are bracing for possible Democratic sweep


Even with the White House pushing a new $1.8 trillion stimulus plan, it’s unclear if anything will get done before the presidential election. The Senate is opposed to an expansive program, and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said his priority is the Supreme Court nomination, not fiscal aid. Despite the uncertain timing, investors are betting that … Read more