India likely to achieve SDG goals for reduction in newborn deaths: WHO expert Anshu Banerjee

India likely to achieve SDG goals for reduction in newborn deaths: WHO expert Anshu Banerjee

India, which has taken proactive steps to reduce neonatal mortality, is likely to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets in this key area by 2030, a top WHO official has said, citing data on the annual rate of reduction for newborn deaths in the country between 2016 and 2021. “India has taken important steps … Read more

Joint learning network for Universal Health Coverage enables countries through collaborative learning

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Globally, there is growing agreement that primary health care (PHC), with its ability to address up to 90% of a population’s diverse health needs in an affordable manner, is central to the achievement of UHC. By Stefan Nachuk,  Achieving Universal health coverage (UHC) is one of the key priorities of many nations, and embedded within … Read more