To Keep Schools Open as Covid Surges, Europe Isolates Infected Students


LONDON—European governments are working to keep schools open amid a rise in coronavirus infections, removing pupils suspected of being infected and so far avoiding a repeat of the wide-scale spring closures. Governments in the U.K., France, Germany and elsewhere say they are determined to keep classrooms open in the fall both because it enables parents … Read more

Israel plans curfews and school closures to stem a surge in coronavirus infections


TEL AVIV—Israel plans to impose nighttime curfews and close schools in dozens of cities and towns hit hard by the coronavirus, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces growing pressure to contain a rapid upsurge in infections. The curfews are expected to go into effect Tuesday at 7 p.m. local time and will last until 5 … Read more

Tens of thousands of pupils absent from school

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Image copyright Getty Images More than 100,000 pupils in Scotland are absent from school with attendance down to 84.5%, according to Scottish government figures. Data collected from local authorities shows that more than 15.5% pupils were off school last Friday. However, only 22,821 of the absences are recorded as “Covid-19 related”. The Scottish government said … Read more

Missing school is ‘worse than virus for children’

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Image copyright Getty Images Children are more likely to be harmed by not returning to school next month than if they catch coronavirus, the UK’s chief medical adviser says. Prof Chris Whitty said “the chances of children dying from Covid-19 are incredibly small” – but missing lessons “damages children in the long run”. Millions of … Read more

Asian American Students Face Bullying Over COVID

Annie Ortega-Long, education director, Los Angeles Regional Office, Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Megan Nevels, assistant education director, Los Angeles Regional Office, Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Nicholas Turton, spokesperson, Stop AAPI Hate. Yaya Yuan, director of education and mentoring programs, Apex for Youth, New York City. Shi Yan Liu, high school student, Brooklyn, NY. Limin Li, high school … Read more

Parents Turn to ‘Pods’ for School During Pandemic

Shauna Causey, Weekdays Micro-schools, Seattle. Lian Chang, parent, San Francisco. JPB Gerald, doctoral student who researches racism and white supremacy in education, Queens, NY. Shayla R. Griffin, PhD, co-founder, Justice Leaders Collaborative; author, Those Kids, Our Schools and Race Dialogues, Detroit. Andrew Lefkowits, host, Integrated Schools podcast, Denver. Marnie Weinstein, educational consultant, Washington, D.C. Integrated … Read more

Can You Protect Kids from COVID-19 at School?

Taylor Heald-Sargent, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics, Northwestern’s Feinberg School of Medicine. Candice Jones, MD, pediatrician, Orlando, FL. Marybeth Sexton, MD, assistant professor, Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta. CDC. CNN. Northwestern University. NBC’s “Today” show. Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics: “Age-Related Differences in Nasopharyngeal Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 … Read more