Novel imaging approach can map cell secretions in four dimensions – ET HealthWorld

Novel imaging approach can map cell secretions in four dimensions – ET HealthWorld

New Delhi: Researchers have developed a novel optical imaging approach that can map four dimensional view of cell secretions in space and time as they are being produced, while observing cell shape and movement. The researchers at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, said that their method provides an unprecedentedly detailed view of how cells function … Read more

Artificial Intelligence: A gift for healthcare – ET HealthWorld

Artificial Intelligence: A gift for healthcare – ET HealthWorld

From diagnosis to treatment, from prevention to therapeutics, artificial intelligence has made many things possible which had been unachievable before, writes Dr Anuj Kumar Bharti The objective of technological advancement is to improve the quality of human life – and for this, it is artificial intelligence which is playing a great role for every aspect … Read more