Boris Johnson Wants Scope to Boost Government Intervention, Rattling Brexit Talks


For decades, Britain’s Conservative Party politicians decried the European Union for its supposed aversion to free markets. Now trade negotiations that will define the future relationship between the U.K. and the EU from next year have stalled, in large part because Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government wants the freedom to ignore EU rules limiting state … Read more

Visiting restrictions reintroduced in Glasgow area


Media playback is unsupported on your device Media captionCoronavirus: Household visit ban returning in Glasgow area Restrictions on visiting other households have been reintroduced in Glasgow and two neighbouring areas after a rise in coronavirus cases. The new rules affect more than 800,000 people in Glasgow city, West Dunbartonshire and East Renfrewshire. They are being … Read more

Covid spike sparks call for continued restrictions

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Image copyright Reuters Image caption Bolton has had its highest seven-day rate since late May A spike in coronavirus cases in Bolton has prompted council bosses to ask for restrictions to remain in place – a day before they were due to be lifted. Tighter rules were introduced in July in Greater Manchester and parts … Read more

European Union to Sanction Belarus Officials for Opposition Crackdown


BERLIN—European Union foreign ministers agreed to impose sanctions on senior Belarusian officials in response to what the EU called violent repression against peaceful protesters and opposition figures by the country’s autocratic regime. The EU in coming days will draft a list of roughly 20 officials to face sanctions and the roster will be extended if … Read more

Taiwan to Ease Limits on American Pork and Beef, Smoothing Path for Trade Talks


Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen said Friday she will ease restrictions on imports of U.S. beef and pork, clearing the biggest obstacle to free-trade talks with Washington. At a televised news briefing, Ms. Tsai said she has instructed her government to ease regulations to allow imports of American pork containing trace amounts of an animal-feed additive … Read more

U.S. Sanctions Chinese Firms and Executives Active in Contested South China Sea


The U.S. unveiled a set of visa and export restrictions targeting Chinese state-owned companies and their executives involved in advancing Beijing’s territorial claims in the contested South China Sea, a new challenge to China involving the strategic waters. Wednesday’s actions by the State and Commerce departments apply to a range of state-owned enterprises, including units … Read more

Israel-U.A.E. Diplomatic Deal Ratchets Up Tensions With Iran


Iran unleashed an angry broadside this weekend reacting to the establishment of formal diplomatic relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, a deal signaling deeper cooperation between the Jewish state and Gulf Arabs to counter Tehran as it vies for regional influence. In a nationally televised speech Saturday, Iran’s president, Hassan Rouhani, said, “We … Read more