New Health Crises Emerge in Ukraine as Fighting Continues

New Health Crises Emerge in Ukraine as Fighting Continues

March 10, 2022 — Hypothermia, frostbite, respiratory diseases, mental health issues, and a lack of treatment for heart disease and cancer are the biggest health concerns at the moment for the people of Ukraine, the World Health Organization says. The WHO also is monitoring for infectious disease outbreaks, which are likely within Ukraine where, out … Read more

How to differentiate Covid-19, Swine Flu, or a Seasonal Flu?

Seasonal Flu

It is possible for people to be infected with flu, as well as Covid-19, and exhibit symptoms of both diseases. By Dr. Vignesh Naidu,  Flu and Covid-19 are respiratory illnesses caused by different groups of viruses. Covid-19 appears to spread faster than other types of flu, especially at super spreading or huge gatherings with the … Read more

Indoor air: Is it as safe as we assume it to be?

indoor air

The National Human Activity Pattern Survey suggests that people spend almost 90% of their time indoors. By Dr Pratima Singh, Udhaya Kumar V, and Reghu Ram R With many of us being forced to spend more time indoors due to work-from-home policies and digital classrooms, it is important to take the quality of air inside … Read more

Indoor vs outdoor air, which is more contagious?

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Indoor air pollution can be substantially more destructive because it impacts us every day in areas where we spend 80% of our time at home, office, schools, and colleges By Ankit Sharma, Exposure to indoor and outdoor air impurities may increase an individual’s risk for morbidity and mortality from a variety of different conditions in … Read more

‘Doctor consultation for respiratory issues spikes  by 20% in polluted metros’

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More and more people are seeking physicians advice on queries related to breathing issues, dry cough, asthma. (IE Photo) Respiratory ailments are on a rise in metropolitan cities with an alarming level of air pollution. A healthcare portal Practo has found out that in cities like Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Hyderabad, queries related to breathing issues … Read more