Telehealth, Home Healthcare, and Biotech: The troika redefining India’s Healthcare Delivery – ET HealthWorld

telehealth home healthcare and biotech the troika redefining india s healthcare delivery

By Rajiv Mathur India possesses some of the best assets in healthcare – highly qualified doctors and scientists; a world-class infrastructure of private hospitals; a huge population base to not only conduct robust clinical trials but also provide requisite manpower to the healthcare industry. In recent times, the young population of India has also demonstrated … Read more

How technology is redefining retail pharmacy to improve community health – ET HealthWorld

how technology is redefining retail pharmacy to improve community health

By Shreyans Mehta In the past two decades, technology has taken every business sector to newer heights. It has impacted the lives of millions of people and many industries have embraced its potential in automating their business processes. Similarly, the healthcare sector has also adopted progressive technology models to redefine the way it functions and … Read more