AI technology creates new proteins from scratch: Research, Health News, ET HealthWorld

AI technology creates new proteins from scratch: Research, Health News, ET HealthWorld

Washington: Scientists have developed an AI system capable of creating artificial enzymes from scratch. In laboratory experiments, some of these enzymes worked as well as those found in nature, even though their artificially created amino acid sequences differed widely from any known natural protein. The experiment demonstrates that natural language processing, although it was developed … Read more

How Healthy Are the New Plant-Based ‘Fake Meats’?

She noted that the World Health Organization has classified processed meats (deli meats, bacon and sausage) as potentially cancer-causing, and red meat (veal, lamb, beef and pork) as probable cancer-causing substances, due to the processing, compounds in the meat and cooking methods. “Limiting consumption of red and processed meats significantly lowers one’s intake of … Read more

Covid blood protein offers clues for treatments

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He added: “The future that we all want to embrace is one in which instead of giving very broad acting, rather poorly understood immunosuppressive treatments like steroids, that we can actually begin to pinpoint some therapy that just takes out the specific pathway that is causing harm whilst allowing the rest of the immune system … Read more