Prioritise safety not A&E target, NHS leaders told

Prioritise safety not A&E target, NHS leaders told

Health Secretary Wes Streeting has told health chiefs in England to prioritise safety even if it means performance against the four-hour A&E target slips this winter. The message was delivered at a meeting with hospital bosses and other NHS leaders in London on Monday amid mounting concern about the winter pressures that are building. Last … Read more

We prioritise placing our patients at the centre of all our digital healthcare projects – ET HealthWorld

We prioritise placing our patients at the centre of all our digital healthcare projects – ET HealthWorld

Mumbai: Debashish Roy, Director and Head, Digital and Customer Experience, Pfizer India interacted with Prabhat Prakash of ETHealthworld on the impact of digitisation in the healthcare industry and key considerations to address when integrating technology and digital solutions into the healthcare ecosystem to enhance patient experiences and outcomes. Edited Excerpts. In what ways has digitisation … Read more