Health ministry approaches CERT-In over attempt to hack its website – ET HealthWorld

Health ministry approaches CERT-In over attempt to hack its website – ET HealthWorld

New Delhi: The Union health ministry has asked the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology to look into the reported attempt of hacking of its website allegedly by a Russian hacker group. Cyber security experts from CloudSEK have claimed that the Russian hacker group ‘Phoenix‘ targeted the … Read more

Russian hacker group Phoenix targets health ministry systems – ET HealthWorld

Russian hacker group Phoenix targets health ministry systems – ET HealthWorld

New Delhi: Cybersecurity company CloudSEK’s AI digital-risk platform XVigil on Wednesday detected a Russian-origin threat-actor group that claimed to have targeted the Indian health ministry’s health-management information system. Access to the personnel directory and chief physicians of every Indian hospital is likely to have been jeopardised. This raises the prospect of exfiltration of licence documents … Read more

Nikola founder Trevor Milton resigns as chairman amid allegations, SEC probe


Washington: The founder and executive chairman of embattled zero-emission truck maker Nikola has resigned, the company announced on Sunday, after allegations of fraud which sparked a stock tumble and a regulatory investigation. The Phoenix-based company said in a statement that it had accepted Trevor Milton’s resignation and that he would be replaced by Stephen Girsky, … Read more