Pegasus infection found on Indian journalists’ phones after Apple alert: Amnesty International

Pegasus infection found on Indian journalists’ phones after Apple alert: Amnesty International

Representational image only. The Pegasus spyware, which the Union government has not categorically denied buying or using, allows attackers to extract all the contents of smartphones by leveraging software weaknesses that are known to a select few hackers, and sold for millions of dollars.  The Wire news website’s editor Siddharth Varadarajan and another journalist in … Read more

Germany admits police used controversial Pegasus spyware


The German government admitted Tuesday that its federal police service used controversial Israeli spyware known as Pegasus, parliamentary sources told, drawing immediate criticism from rights groups. Germany‘s BKA federal police bought the software from Israel’s NSO Group in late 2019, a closed-door parliamentary committee heard from government officials. The admission, recounted to AFP by sources … Read more

‘Concerted attempt’ to derail Parliament’s Monsoon Session: BJP’s Amit Malviya on illegal surveillance allegations


Hitting out at the Congress for accusing the government of its role in the alleged illegal surveillance of journalists using Pegasus spyware, BJP IT Cell national president Amit Malviya on Monday termed it as a “concerted attempt to derail the monsoon session of Parliament” and said that the Opposition does not have any evidence for … Read more

Pak PM Imran Khan was potential target of Israeli-made Pegasus spyware programme: Report


Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan was a potential target of the Israeli-made Pegasus spyware programme by clients of the NSO Group cyberespionage firm, media reports claimed on Monday. The collaborative efforts by an international media consortium on an investigation into a data leak showed that at least one number once used by Prime Minister Khan … Read more