Predictions for 2023: AI, VR boom in hospitality, wellness and gaming, and Balenciaga in India

Predictions for 2023: AI, VR boom in hospitality, wellness and gaming, and Balenciaga in India

#food Technical, yet intimate Restaurant Chilling Out Classy Lifestyle Reserved Concept lead pics Food | Photo Credit: Rawpixel In 2019, trend forecasters predicted more family dining, fermented foods and soufflé pancakes, not a raging pandemic.  Nevertheless, the world found ways to pivot, innovate and move forward, and the restaurant industry fought back fiercely. Over this … Read more

Can PVR and Inox merger create sustainable value for shareholders?

Can PVR and Inox merger create sustainable value for shareholders?

Even though the pandemic threat has ebbed away and movies are getting released on the big screen, OTT platform’s aggressiveness and increased adoption are a threat to multiplexes. The merger of the two largest multiplexes in India, Inox Leisure and PVR Ltd, has put a big spotlight on this threat, and raised hopes that the … Read more

View: Social media firms are not digital media companies. The new IT guidelines fail to get this fact


So, while the government may be within its rights to regulate recalcitrant social media platforms — given the recent incidents with Twitter and WhatsApp — by what right can it afford to muzzle the press? Synopsis But in ostensibly trying to create a level censorship field to discourage future misuse, GoI has ingeniously killed two … Read more

Hire a guitarist on video call! Yes, tis the season of digital gifting!

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Another floral boutique Fiorella offers virtual flowers at minimal prices for consumers to help them connect with loved ones and make occasions like birthdays and anniversaries special. The virus has played a party pooper for a lot of celebrations this year. Gifting, which is an integral part of any celebration, has also been affected by … Read more