Do Fasting Diets Work? Study Finds Little Benefit

In the end, those participants lost about 2 pounds, on average. But people who stuck with their usual routine also lost a bit of weight — which meant there was no statistically meaningful difference between the two groups. The researchers, led by Dr. Ethan Weiss of the University of California, San Francisco, acknowledged that … Read more

World Heart Day: These hidden factors can put your heart at risk


While sudden pain in the chest or the arm are obvious signs, there are plenty of others you should watch out for. By Dr. H P Bharathi   World Heart Day: Around the turn of the century, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) became the leading cause of mortality in India. The epidemiological transition can be attributed largely … Read more

World Heart Day 2020: 7 lifestyle changes for working professional to ensure healthy heart

world heart day

Excessive stress in life is important cause of heart attacks in younger individuals. By Dr Ashwin Mehta, The risk factors leading to coronary heart diseases are controllable or beyond control. For example, advancing age and family history are beyond one’s control, but increase in weight, usage of tobacco, lack of exercise, high stress level, Diabetes, … Read more

Even If Hips, Legs Slims Down, Belly Fat a Danger

THURSDAY, Sept. 24, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Gaining weight around your mid-section may be the makings of much more than a wardrobe crisis: It may also signal the start of a serious health crisis. So warns a team of Canadian and Iranian researchers who conducted an extensive review of 72 studies involving more than … Read more

Obesity Tied to Severe COVID-19, But Age Matters

WEDNESDAY, Aug. 5, 2020 (HealthDay News) — If you’re younger than 65 years old and obese, COVID-19 poses a special danger to you.         A new study reports that the more obese you are, the more likely you are to either die from infection with the new coronavirus or require lifesaving mechanical … Read more

How gardening could help in the fight against obesity

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Image copyright Getty Images Being overweight puts you at greater risk of serious illness or death from Covid-19, experts say – and now new anti-obesity strategies have been launched around the UK. In Bradford, community schemes to promote healthy lifestyles offers a novel approach to the problem. Dr John Wright of the city’s Royal Infirmary … Read more