Nutrition Week: Back to basics – balanced diet

nutrition week

Eat well – a balanced diet for a healthier stronger immune system and lowering risk of illness and infectious diseases. By Swetha Anisingaraju,  We live in a world of rapidly changing elements – our environment, food supply, population and scientific knowledge. Within these different environments and stages of our life, our body’s needs and goals … Read more

Milking the opportunity, this Nutrition Week: Mapping the future of alternative milk industry in India


Antibiotics being pumped into animals to increase and induce milk production, and milk being adulterated with caustic soda or white paint are making people more conscious about their milk choices. (Photo source: IE) By Shrey Kumar, India is the largest dairy producer in the world with the majority of people dependent on cow or buffalo … Read more

Nutrition Week: Nutritional diet for Diabetes


It is always a good idea to create a meal plan with the help of a dietician to achieve your target blood glucose levels. By Dr. Adarsh K S, Overview Glucose is an important source of fuel for our body. Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, is a key regulator of blood glucose levels. … Read more