When Sleep Becomes a Nightmare: My Struggle With Narcolepsy

When Sleep Becomes a Nightmare: My Struggle With Narcolepsy

As I snapped back into consciousness, I found myself driving on the wrong side of a road that ran parallel to a beach, with traffic heading straight at me. Stunned, I yanked the steering wheel to get back into the right lane but somehow lined myself up perfectly with a telephone pole. My brain furiously … Read more

1 in 3 Have Neurological, Psychiatric Problems Post-COVID

WEDNESDAY, April 7, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Doctors are seeing such cases around the world: About a third of COVID-19 patients go on to develop “long-haul” neurological or psychiatric conditions months after being infected, new research shows. The findings suggest a link between COVID-19 and a higher risk for later mental health and neurological … Read more

Lifestyle Modification – a forgotten key to tackle Neurological disorders


Ketogenic diet is a great add-on for refractory epilepsy. (Representative image) By Dr. Manish Mahajan Neurological disorders are common and refer to the diseases involving the brain, spinal cord, cranial and peripheral nerves, and muscles. Headache, stroke, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, peripheral neuropathy, and brain infections constitute the major proportion of these conditions and are … Read more