Have you been to Mulshi? An up and coming getaway destination near Mumbai and Pune


Sahyadri’s deep forests make for an inviting trip during the monsoons and winters. The weather at this time of the year is perfect for a chat with the lush green forests and windy air. By Seema Wadhwa Getaways have emerged as a popular trend amidst the pandemic. The safety and convenience of road trips have … Read more

Atmantan launches health-tech platform; soon to add new properties – ET HealthWorld

atmantan launches health tech platform soon to add new properties

Atmantan Wellness Centre announced the launch of ‘Atmantan Naturals‘, a health tech platform that will provide consultations and high efficacy herbal and nutritional supplements. The brand new range of nutraceutical supplements ‘Naturals’ were only available earlier for the in-house guests. Atmantan Naturals shall be a separate entity foraying into the commercial world. “While the VUCA … Read more