Travel outlook remains poor for next few months; wellness sector set to revive prominently: Nikhil Kapur, Atmantan Wellness

Atmantan Wellness Centre

In his view, travel is likely to pick up when people start travelling for improving their health/treatment of ailments to wellness centres like Atmantan and Nature experiences to offbeat locations. (Image source:: Atmantan Wellness Centre) Amidst the COVID-10 second wave, a meaningful push for India’s travel and hospitality industry has been largely missing. People are … Read more

Atmantan launches health-tech platform; soon to add new properties – ET HealthWorld

atmantan launches health tech platform soon to add new properties

Atmantan Wellness Centre announced the launch of ‘Atmantan Naturals‘, a health tech platform that will provide consultations and high efficacy herbal and nutritional supplements. The brand new range of nutraceutical supplements ‘Naturals’ were only available earlier for the in-house guests. Atmantan Naturals shall be a separate entity foraying into the commercial world. “While the VUCA … Read more