Covid inquiry: Schools shut while pubs open a mistake – Longfield

Covid inquiry: Schools shut while pubs open a mistake – Longfield

The inquiry heard that in some countries, children were at the forefront of national concerns. The prime ministers in Norway and New Zealand held TV briefings for children at the start of the pandemic to reassure them and to thank them for all they were doing. “We didn’t have such an event in the UK, … Read more

Covid inquiry: Schools shut while pubs open a mistake – Longfield

Covid inquiry: Schools shut while pubs open a mistake – Longfield

During the pandemic, Ms Longfield met on a fortnightly basis with senior officials. She said she “was often one of a small number of voices making the case for children to be a priority”. In her written evidence, she highlighted three areas where she believed the government failed to act in children’s best interests: She … Read more

18,000 Covid-19 test results put online by mistake

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Image copyright Getty Images Image caption The information was online for 20 hours before being taken down The details of more than 18,000 people who tested positive for coronavirus were published online by mistake by Public Health Wales. The health body said the data of 18,105 Welsh residents was viewable online for 20 hours on … Read more

FDA Warning Issued About Hand Sanitizer Packaging

August 28, 2020 — Alcohol-based hand sanitizers that are packaged in containers that look like food items or drinks could cause injury or death if ingested, according to a new warning the FDA issued Thursday. Hand sanitizers are being packaged in beer cans, water bottles, juice bottles, vodka bottles and children’s food pouches, the FDA … Read more