From Tokyo to New York, stock markets are on a record-hitting spree around the world

From Tokyo to New York, stock markets are on a record-hitting spree around the world

From New York to London to Tokyo, if there’s one similarity among the world’s equity markets it’s this: record highs.Of the world’s 20 largest stock markets, 14 have hit all-time highs recently. The MSCI ACWI Index, which tracks developed and emerging markets, has been on a record-breaking run, setting another new high on Friday. In … Read more

Russia adds Meta to list of ‘terrorists and extremists’ organisations

Russia adds Meta to list of ‘terrorists and extremists’ organisations

Russia’s financial monitoring agency, Rosfinmonitoring took action against U.S.-based Meta Platforms Inc. Russia’s financial monitoring agency, Rosfinmonitoring took action against U.S.-based Meta Platforms Inc. Russia’s financial monitoring agency, Rosfinmonitoring, has added U.S. tech giant Meta Platforms Inc. to its list of “terrorists and extremists”, the Interfax news agency reported on Tuesday. A Moscow court in … Read more