Healthcare: Gen AI speeds up workflows, drug development – ET HealthWorld

Healthcare: Gen AI speeds up workflows, drug development – ET HealthWorld

New Delhi: There are people who have to wait for days, weeks, and months for a complex surgery because it needs prior authorisation from insurance payers. This authorisation involves the review of lots of clinical and insurance policy documents to check whether the procedure is necessary and whether the insurance plan will pay for it. … Read more

Apple Watch ECG sensor can predict stress level accurately: Study, Health News, ET HealthWorld

Apple Watch ECG sensor can predict stress level accurately: Study, Health News, ET HealthWorld

San Francisco: While exploring the Apple Watch‘s ECG sensor in some depth, a team of researchers has said that the watch’s ECG sensor data can be used to develop a robust and accurate stress prediction tool. According to MacRumors, the researchers from the Canada-based University of Waterloo discovered a close relationship between ECG data, including … Read more