John Kerry tests positive for COVID-19 as U.N. climate talks slow

John Kerry tests positive for COVID-19 as U.N. climate talks slow

U.S. Climate Envoy John Kerry has tested positive for COVID-19 at the U.N. climate talks in Egypt, a spokeswoman said late Friday night, the latest setback for what appeared to be stalled negotiations that were already going into overtime. “He is fully vaccinated and boosted and experiencing mild symptoms. He is working with his negotiations … Read more

As countries convene at climate summit in Egypt, reports show the world is wildly off track. Here’s what to watch at COP27 | CNN

As countries convene at climate summit in Egypt, reports show the world is wildly off track. Here’s what to watch at COP27 | CNN

CNN  —  As global leaders converge in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, for the UN’s annual climate summit, researchers, advocates and the United Nations itself are warning the world is still wildly off-track on its goal to halt global warming and prevent the worst consequences of the climate crisis. Over the next two weeks, negotiators from nearly … Read more

Kerry, Blinken host world’s largest carbon emitters in first forum since UN climate summit

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The Major Economies Forum focused on next steps following November’s UN climate summit in Glasgow. Blinken opened the meeting by saying it had two main goals: Encouraging countries to meet their decarbonization goals already laid out last year and getting them to consider additional commitments to keep global warming limited to 1.5 degrees Celsius — a threshold scientists warn the planet should stay under. … Read more

Cold cash issues cause problems in global warming talks


UN talks to curb global warming ran into last-minute problems Saturday because of cold hard cash. Negotiators in Glasgow, Scotland, held last-minute huddles and pored over fresh proposals for sealing a deal that they hoped could be credibly said to advance worldwide efforts to tackle global warming. But funding issues – specifically, compensation for climate … Read more

US and China announce surprise climate agreement – video


The United States and China, the world’s two largest emitters of carbon dioxide, unveiled a deal to ramp up cooperation tackling the climate crisis. US climate envoy John Kerry and his Chinese counterpart Xie Zhenhua announced the framework agreement at the UN climate conference in Scotland. Both billed it as way to tip the summit toward success. ‘In … Read more

COP 26: Time to place gender at the heart of climate mitigation efforts

climate change

Climate action cannot continue to neglect the problems of those most affected and turn a deaf ear to their voices. By Vaishali Nigam Sinha,  The bugle for COP 26, to be held at Glasgow in November this year has been sounded. In the 5 years since Paris, most nations have failed to meet their emission … Read more