Jersey assisted dying plans for terminally ill approved

Jersey assisted dying plans for terminally ill approved

23 minutes ago Zhara Simpson,Ammar Ebrahim BBC Route one has been approved by Jersey’s States Assembly Jersey politicians have voted to approve plans to allow assisted dying for those with a terminal illness “causing unbearable suffering”. The States Assembly has been debating two routes through which people who have lived in Jersey for longer than … Read more

Virat Kohli came and gave me his signed jersey after I asked for it: Rahul Tewatia on ‘legendary’ RCB captain


IPL 2020: Rahul Tewatia, who was gifted a special signed jersey by Virat Kohli, said the RCB captain is a legend of the game and he is among the many who seeks inspiration from the batting great. Virat Kohli gifted a signed jersey to Rahul Tewatia (Courtesy of BCCI) HIGHLIGHTS Rahul Tewatia gets a signed … Read more