Covid-19: ASSOCHAM calls for booster dose to mitigate pandemic impact amid spike in Omicron cases

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The Omicron variant has emerged as a ‘variant of concern’ following its detection in southern Africa late last month. (File/Reuters) The Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ASSOCHAM) called for a higher pace of vaccination amid a spurt in Covid-19 cases led by the Omicron variant. ASSOCHAM CSR Council Chairman Anil Rajput also called for … Read more

Covid-19: Can RT-PCR tests detect Omicron variant infection?

Covid Test Lab

Timely detection of the variant is, as a result, key to checking its spread. (File) The coronavirus’ Omicron variant has emerged as a big threat with the World Health Organization (WHO) on Sunday assessing a “very high” global risk. Preliminary data suggests that the variant could have higher transmissibility, and also a greater ability to … Read more