What to Expect From Your First Pregnancy Ultrasound

What to Expect From Your First Pregnancy Ultrasound

Anticipation is a big part of pregnancy. You wonder what your baby will look like, and more important, whether he or she will be healthy. An ultrasound offers an early peek inside the womb, and a chance to learn a bit more about your baby’s expected due date and well-being. A first-trimester ultrasound is usually … Read more

First Trimester Problems: When to Call Your Doctor

First Trimester Problems: When to Call Your Doctor

You’re expecting! It’s an emotional and exciting time, especially if it’s your first baby. You’re going to notice a lot of changes in your body. Many of them are perfectly normal. And most women have healthy pregnancies. Still, there are some symptoms you’ll need to pay more attention to during your early months. For example, … Read more