How Plant-Based ‘Meat’ May Help You and Save the Environment

How Plant-Based ‘Meat’ May Help You and Save the Environment

“It can be so easy,” she says. “Canned beans, peanut butter, simmered lentils, brown rice, oatmeal, seasonal fruit, tons of veggies (frozen, canned, fresh).” Another major reason people struggle, or quit, after trying a plant-based diet is not being prepared, says Palmer. “You can’t just all of the sudden eat plant-based without some … Read more

How Healthy Are the New Plant-Based ‘Fake Meats’?

How Healthy Are the New Plant-Based ‘Fake Meats’?

She noted that the World Health Organization has classified processed meats (deli meats, bacon and sausage) as potentially cancer-causing, and red meat (veal, lamb, beef and pork) as probable cancer-causing substances, due to the processing, compounds in the meat and cooking methods. “Limiting consumption of red and processed meats significantly lowers one’s intake of … Read more