Europe’s coronavirus crisis is resurging. For months, 3 Nordic nations kept it under control — without lockdowns

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Politicians are desperate to find a balance of restrictions that flatten the curve without flattening the economy or upsetting residents who are eager to reunite for the holidays. “The key question now is to determine what is the optimal package of policies to maximize the health benefit at least cost,” said Thomas Hale, an associate … Read more

Europe’s coronavirus crisis is resurging. For months, 3 Nordic nations kept it under control — without lockdowns

201215094918 20200912 circuit breakers gfx super tease

Politicians are desperate to find a balance of restrictions that flatten the curve without flattening the economy or upsetting residents who are eager to reunite for the holidays. “The key question now is to determine what is the optimal package of policies to maximize the health benefit at least cost,” said Thomas Hale, an associate … Read more