Uganda declares end of Ebola outbreak | CNN

Uganda declares end of Ebola outbreak | CNN

CNN  —  Ugandan authorities have officially declared the end of a recent Ebola outbreak after 42 consecutive days with no new cases. A formal declaration was made during a televised ceremony held in the central Mubende district, the epicenter of the outbreak, on Wednesday. According to the World Health Organisation, an Ebola outbreak is over … Read more

What the return of Chinese tourists means for the global economy | CNN Business

What the return of Chinese tourists means for the global economy | CNN Business

Hong Kong CNN  —  In the years before Covid, China was the world’s most important source of international travelers. Its 155 million tourists spent more than a quarter of a trillion dollars beyond its borders in 2019. That largesse fell precipitously over the past three years as the country essentially closed its borders. But, as … Read more

China will end Covid restrictions and quarantining for international travelers | CNN Business

China will end Covid restrictions and quarantining for international travelers | CNN Business

New York CNN  —  China will drop quarantine requirements for all passengers arriving from outside of the country’s borders starting on January 8, 2023, its top health authority announced Monday. The country will also scrap all other restrictive Covid measures for travelers, including quarantines for positive patients and contact tracing. Authorities said the new policy … Read more

India on alert for new variants as Covid wave sweeps China | CNN

India on alert for new variants as Covid wave sweeps China | CNN

New Delhi CNN  —  India’s health minister has advised the public to take precautions against Covid-19, including getting vaccinated and wearing masks, as the country remains on alert for potential new variants that could emerge from the wave of infections sweeping neighboring China. Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya on Thursday told Parliament that India would begin … Read more

As China moves away from zero-Covid, health experts warn of dark days ahead | CNN

As China moves away from zero-Covid, health experts warn of dark days ahead | CNN

Editor’s Note: Editor’s Note: A version of this story appeared in CNN’s Meanwhile in China newsletter, a three-times-a-week update exploring what you need to know about the country’s rise and how it impacts the world. Sign up here. Hong Kong CNN  —  China’s zero-Covid policy, which stalled the world’s second-largest economy and sparked a wave … Read more

Opinion: Life in zero-Covid China is becoming intolerable | CNN

Opinion: Life in zero-Covid China is becoming intolerable | CNN

Editor’s Note: Matthew Bossons is managing editor of the Shanghai-based online publication Radii. He has lived in China since 2014. The views expressed in this commentary are his own. View more opinion on CNN. Shanghai CNN  —  In the lead-up to China’s Communist Party Congress last month, watercooler chatter in many offices here focused on … Read more

Under Xi Jinping, zero-Covid is accelerating China’s surveillance state | CNN

Under Xi Jinping, zero-Covid is accelerating China’s surveillance state | CNN

Hong Kong CNN  —  As a new, deadly virus overtook the central city of Wuhan and spread throughout China in early 2020, the country’s ruling Communist Party and its leader Xi Jinping were faced with a crisis on a scale not seen in decades. In Wuhan, there was chaos. The city shut itself off from … Read more

Anger at China’s zero-Covid policy is rising, but Beijing refuses to change course | CNN

Anger at China’s zero-Covid policy is rising, but Beijing refuses to change course | CNN

CNN  —  A young woman stands on her balcony, crying out in desperation after her building was ordered into lockdown. Fighting back tears, she shouts abuse at the hazmat-suited workers below in a video that has recently gone viral on social media platform Weibo and which appears to encapsulate the Chinese public’s growing frustration with … Read more

Opinion: The Fed doesn’t have a choice anymore. Get ready for a recession | CNN Business

Opinion: The Fed doesn’t have a choice anymore. Get ready for a recession | CNN Business

Editor’s Note: Gad Levanon is the chief economist at the Burning Glass Institute. He’s the former head of The Conference Board’s Labor Market Institute. The opinions expressed in this commentary are his own. To many economists and analysts, the US economy has represented a paradox this year. On the one hand, GDP growth has slowed … Read more