Age-Friendly Health Care: A New Approach

Age-Friendly Health Care: A New Approach

America’s senior population has grown by 34.2% in the last 10 years, and today about 54 million Americans are 65-plus. If you’re in this group, you may take four or more medications, see as many as five doctors each year, and have at least one chronic health condition. You may also feel that your doctors … Read more

1 in 3 Caregivers for Elderly May Be Untrained, Unscreened

By Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter THURSDAY, June 24, 2021 (HealthDay News) — A new report raises questions about the training and qualifications of many caregivers for the elderly across the United States. The study by the RAND Corporation, a nonprofit research organization, found that nearly a third of Americans who arranged for paid care … Read more

Mobile health tech can aid elderly with heart disease – ET HealthWorld

mobile health tech can aid elderly with heart disease

New York: Mobile health technology can help induce lifestyle behaviour changes and improve medication adherence among older adults aged 60 and above with existing heart disease, said a statement by the American Heart Association. The scientific statement, published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes, highlights research from 26 studies from … Read more

Assistive Devices for Elderly People

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At first, Piyushi Dhir, who lives with her parents and grandparents in Ontario, Canada, noticed that her grandfather took longer to get off the couch. Over time, he would need a hand. Dhir worried about him falling. She bought him a portable standing aid, a freestanding rail that he could use for stability as he … Read more

COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Shows Promise for Elderly

“These findings could have profound significance if the protection afforded by vaccination among older adults is stronger than that of young adults because older adults are a very important target population for which we are targeting for protection with vaccination,” Chen says. The purpose of the first phase was to assess safety and determine … Read more