Post-elections, construction sector in Mysuru relieved as labour crunch eases  

Post-elections, construction sector in Mysuru relieved as labour crunch eases  

The construction sector in Mysuru which was hit by labour scarcity in the run-up to the polls, is breathing easy as the situation is expected to return to normalcy a day or two after the conclusion of the polls. Bulk of the labour force for most civil engineering firms in the private domain tend to … Read more

Shanghai lockdown: China eases Covid restrictions after two months

Shanghai lockdown: China eases Covid restrictions after two months

But the rules did little to temper the relief people felt. Cheers and sounds of jubilation rose as the clock struck midnight on Tuesday, signalling the end of the lockdown. Groups of Shanghai residents gathered on street corners, singing and toasting with drinks as they welcomed their newfound freedom. Source link

Vaccine Hesitancy in Communities of Color Eases — A Bit

In a statement to WebMD, Katie Fowlie, CDC public affairs spokesperson, said: “It’s important to know that the vaccine administration process is complex and requires strong cooperation and partnership with all parties at the jurisdictional, local, and federal levels. CDC is working closely with jurisdictions to ensure as much information is submitted as possible, … Read more