Covid: Researchers fear cancer advances delay due to pandemic

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There have also been concerns about the effect the pandemic could have had on cancer more widely. The NHS’s former cancer director Prof Sir Mike Richards has said England could see its first decrease in survival rates for decades. In England, 60% fewer patients with suspected cancer were seen in April, compared to the previous … Read more

Delay in Covid-19 vaccine for children could be longer than expected


People across the globe are waiting for a safe Covid-19 vaccine. While the availability of a vaccine remains the top focus, medical experts say the availability of vaccine for kids could take longer than expected. Vaccinating children will be essential if Covid-19 has to be completely controlled, say medical experts. But they believe that it … Read more

‘Secret’ legal matter in UK cause for delay in Vijay Mallya’s extradition, says MEA

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The Ministry of External Affairs has said that there is a ‘secret’ legal matter in the United Kingdom because of which there is a delay in extradition process of fugitive businessman Vijay Mallya. India is in touch with UK authorities for the repatriation of Vijay Mallya at the earliest. (Photo: Reuters) Ministry of External Affairs … Read more

Spreadsheet error led to hospital opening delay

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A mistake in a spreadsheet set in motion a series of events which delayed the opening of a £150m hospital, a new report has revealed. Last-minute issues with ventilation prevented the opening of Edinburgh’s new children’s hospital last July. A NHS Lothian-commissioned review shows there was a “human error” in a 2012 spreadsheet with the … Read more

Dentists Push Back on WHO’s Call to Delay Check-ups

By Steven Reinberg HealthDay Reporter WEDNESDAY, Aug. 19, 2020 (HealthDay News) — The World Health Organization recommended postponing routine dental care during the coronavirus pandemic, but the American Dental Association (ADA) strongly disagrees. “Oral health is integral to overall health. Dentistry is essential health care,” said ADA President Dr. Chad Gehani. “Dentistry is essential health … Read more