Offering hope and healing in the darkest moments, one call at a time

Offering hope and healing in the darkest moments, one call at a time

A college professor found herself in the depths of despair, contemplating ending her life while she was alone at home. As she stood on the brink of making a decision, she got a lifeline. The professor decided to reach out to ‘Roshni’ suicide prevention helpline, which changed the course of her life. The person on … Read more

Expert: Darkest Weeks of Pandemic Are Yet to Come

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Oct. 19, 2020 — A top infectious disease specialist said Sunday that the country is entering the darkest time of the entire pandemic. “We do have vaccines and therapeutics coming down the pike,” Michael Osterholm, PhD, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, said on … Read more