Cyber police issue warning against availing loans through illegal apps

Cyber police issue warning against availing loans through illegal apps

The Kannur cyber police have issued a stern warning following a recent complaint by a young man who, despite repaying a loan obtained through an app, was allegedly threatened and coerced into paying more money. The victim had initially taken a loan through an app and repaid the entire amount. According to a release, scammers … Read more

Operation ‘Chakra-II’: CBI conducts searches at 76 places across 11 States to dismantle cyber-enabled crime syndicates

Operation ‘Chakra-II’: CBI conducts searches at 76 places across 11 States to dismantle cyber-enabled crime syndicates

Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) logo at CBI HQ in New Delhi. Representative image | Photo Credit: PTI The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Thursday conducted searches at 76 locations across 11 States as part of the “Chakra-II” operation launched against the organised cyber-enabled financial crimes. This exercise was carried out in collaboration with … Read more

Delhi’s biggest cyber fraud: Rs 4.5 crore stolen from doctor – ET HealthWorld

Delhi’s biggest cyber fraud: Rs 4.5 crore stolen from doctor – ET HealthWorld

New Delhi: Crooks claiming to be from “Maharashtra narcotics division” duped a Delhi doctor of her savings of Rs 4.47 crore, in what is being seen as the biggest cyber con job on an individual in Delhi till date. The 34-year-old woman was told there was a large quantity of the drug “MDMA” detected in … Read more