Scientists Use 3D Printing to Create Injection-Free Vaccine Patch

Oct. 6, 2021 — Most vaccines are given with hypodermic needle injections. But shots aren’t necessarily the most efficient or effective way to deliver a vaccine. Scientists have been experimenting with microneedle patches to painlessly deliver a vaccine into the outermost layer of the skin with dozens of extremely tiny needles coated in the vaccine … Read more

Combining marketing and research to create awareness around ground-breaking regenerative technology – ET HealthWorld

combining marketing and research to create awareness around ground breaking regenerative technology

Brand Content Initiative In the last few decades, medical science has brought about many advancements that were previously incomprehensible. People can now seek treatments for multiple conditions and considerably improve their lives through biotechnology-led innovations. One such breakthrough advancement has been in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Loss of tissues and organs … Read more

Scientists Create Monkey-Human Embryos

Human/animal chimeras also could help fill in blanks in our understanding of early human development following conception, and improve the study of how viruses, bacteria, drugs and devices work in humans, Farahany and Greely said. “The kind of animal models we have right now aren’t sufficient to model most of the diseases that humans … Read more

CDC, WHO Create Threat Levels for COVID Variants

Michael Diamond, MD, PhD, associate director, Center for Human Immunology and Immunotherapy Programs, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri CDC, SARS-CoV2 Variants, updated March 16, 2021 WHO, Weekly Epidemiological Report, February 25, 2021 WHO, Weekly Epidemiological Report, March 16, 2021 Public Health England, Variants of Concern or Under Investigation, Updated March 15, 2021 … Read more

Scientists Create Human ‘Pre-Embryo’ for Research

“These are organized embryo-like structures modeled on the human embryo, but in my opinion I don’t consider them to be the equivalent of a human blastocyst that comes from an in vitro fertilization clinic,” said Amander Clark, a member of Polo’s team and chair of molecular, cell and developmental biology at University of California, Los … Read more

Mumbai court orders FIR against Kangana Ranaut, sister Rangoli for trying to create communal tension

kangana rangoli pti

A Mumbai court has asked the police to lodge an FIR against Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut and her sister Rangoli Chandel for allegedly trying to create communal tension with their provocative tweets. Kangana Ranaut and her sister Rangoli Chandel in Mumbai. (PTI) A Mumbai court has asked the police to lodge an FIR against Bollywood … Read more

Sweden’s COVID Policy Didn’t Create Herd Immunity

THURSDAY, Aug. 13, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Diverging from much of the world, Sweden let COVID-19 spread in hopes the population would develop “herd immunity.” But the risky strategy failed, a new report finds. Rather than imposing a hard lockdown in March as other countries did, the Scandinavian nation relied on individual responsibility to … Read more