Covid-19: Gujarat reports 1,274 fresh infections, tally rises to 12,15,290; 13 die

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The discharge of 3,022 people increased the recovery count to 11,90,271, leaving the state with 14,211 active cases. Gujarat on Sunday reported 1,274 new COVID-19 cases and 13 deaths, raising its tally to 12,15,290 and toll to 10,808, a state health department official said. The discharge of 3,022 people during this period increased the recovery … Read more

Over 169 crore Covid-19 vaccine doses administered in India, says Govt


More than 1.46 crore (1,46,98,311) precaution doses have been administered to healthcare workers (HCWs), frontline workers (FLWs) and those aged 60 years and above, the ministry said. The cumulative number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in the country crossed 169 crore on Saturday, the Union health ministry said. More than 40 lakh vaccine doses were … Read more

Slightly younger population infected more in this COVID-19 wave, says Govt


The conclusion was drawn from the National Clinical Registry of COVID-19, in which data was collected about hospitalised patients from 37 medical facilities. A comparatively younger population with an average age of 44 years has been infected more in this Covid wave, the government said on Thursday, highlighting there was significantly less use of drugs … Read more

Maharashtra announces fresh curbs, Movement in groups of five or more prohibited during daytime from Jan 10

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Schools and colleges will be closed till February 15 except for activities required to be undertaken for class 10 and 12 students and administrative activities of teachers. Tightening restrictions in the face of surging COVID-19 cases, the Maharashtra Government on Saturday prohibited movement in public in groups of five or more from 5 in the … Read more