Covid-19: Centre asks 19 states, UTs to ramp up testing to identify cases, restrict spread

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A decline of over 50 per cent has been seen in testing in Arunachal Pradesh (68 per cent), Assam (58 per cent) and Nagaland (52 per cent), it noted. The Centre on Thursday urged 19 states and union territories to ramp up Covid testing “in a big way” to identify cases promptly and restrict its … Read more

Covid-19 in India LIVE: Centre calls urgent meeting to brief states regarding next phase of vaccination starting March 1

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As many as 10 states across India have witnessed fresh surge in the coronavirus case in last 15 days. (Reuters photo) Coronavirus LIVE Updates Covid19 February 26 Live Blog: The Union government has called an urgent meeting at 11 am today to brief states regarding phase 3 of the ongoing Covid-19 vaccination drive in the … Read more