Coronavirus latest updates Covid-19 cases deaths today top updates on vaccination Covid variants omicron

Coronavirus latest updates Covid-19 cases deaths today top updates on vaccination Covid variants omicron

Top Covid-19 Updates June 6th: India has been reporting a surge in Covid-19 infections consistently for the past few days now. According to the data shared by the Union Health Ministry on Monday, the country logged 4,518 new coronavirus infections and nine fresh fatalities. The nine new fatalities include four from Kerala, two from Uttar … Read more

COVID-19: Masks still necessary despite being vaccinated, here is why

Coronavirus face mask edited

It is likely that vaccinated people (if they become silent spreaders), they may put others who have been vaccinated in a community at risk. With vaccination initiated against the novel Coronavirus by Pfizer, it turns out that the company’s vaccine along with that by Moderna have been remarkably good when it comes to preventing serious … Read more