We’re Increasingly Disconnected and That Has Consequences

We’re Increasingly Disconnected and That Has Consequences

Sept. 16, 2022 – You brought your computer home from work “for 2 weeks” in March 2020 and stayed home for 2 years. Schools went virtual. Club meetings got canceled. Gyms closed. Friends and family became off-limits. Remember avoiding other people on the street? It’s gotten better since the outbreak, but we’ve remained in relative … Read more

CDC Shortens COVID Isolation, Quarantine Times

Dec. 28, 2021 — The CDC recommended shorter COVID-19 isolation and quarantine periods on Monday, cutting the time for people without symptoms and close contacts from 10 days to 5 days. CDC officials said the new guidance follows recent data that shows people infected with the coronavirus are most contagious in the 2 days before … Read more

Creative selection: Creative isolation worked wonders for some, led to huge loss of creativity in others

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Technology has come as a big aid for secluded artists, helping them form unique associations spanning disciplines and allowing them to collaborate across geographical locations through their screens. During his 40-year-long career, Gurugram-based photographer Dinesh Khanna has dabbled in both contemporary and commercial work across the world. Khanna, however, had never imagined that there would … Read more