‘Eliminator’ countries with less Covid restrictions had better mental health outcomes: Lancet study

‘Eliminator’ countries with less Covid restrictions had better mental health outcomes: Lancet study

Countries that attempted to control COVID-19 transmission with stricter public restrictions had worse mental health outcomes than those which tried to suppress or eliminate COVID-19 transmission, according to a study published in The Lancet Public Health journal. The team led by researchers at Simon Fraser University in Canada used data from two surveys of 15 … Read more

Uttarakhand HC stays Char Dham Yatra; says the event can invite another catastrophe

Chardham Yatra

On June 25, the Uttarakhand government stated that they will allow Char Dham yatra for locals belonging to Chamoli, Rudraprayag and Uttarkashi districts of the state. In order to curb the Covid-19 transmission at a time when the many mutated variants of the virus are in play, the Uttarakhand High Court on Monday has put … Read more

Bars and restaurants become the epicentre of multiple recent super-spreading events

delhi restaurant

In most cases, Indian restaurants have been delivering food to home. Sitting in a closed indoor space and taking without masks pose a risk of Covid-19 transmission. This is something we all have known. Now this can be problematic when it comes to bars and restaurants because people sitting together do take their masks off, … Read more

COVID-19 transmission is airborne: 10 key reasons why, what does it mean

covid 19 in india

Over the past one year, many observations have been made and after this, ten key reasons have been concluded as to why the virus is airborne. It has been more than one year since the Coronavirus pandemic wreaked havoc on the global population and the route of its transmission is still in discussion. Well, one … Read more