Covid-19: Focus on giving precaution shot to 4.7 crore elderly under Har Ghar Dastak 2.0

Covid-19: Focus on giving precaution shot to 4.7 crore elderly under Har Ghar Dastak 2.0

The government plans to focus on administering precaution dose of Covid vaccine to 4.7 crore 60-plus population, due for it by July 31, under its ongoing door-to-door Har Ghar Dastak 2.0 campaign, officials said on Sunday. Of the estimated 13.75 crore senior citizens in the country, 11.91 crore have been administered both the doses of … Read more

Covid-19: First dose to be given as booster to those vaccinated with Sputnik V, NTAGI recommends

Covid-19: First dose to be given as booster to those vaccinated with Sputnik V, NTAGI recommends

The first dose of Sputnik V vaccine can be administered as the precaution dose to all those vaccinated with the Russian COVID-19 jab, an NTAGI panel has recommended, official sources told PTI on Saturday. The two doses of Sputnik V vaccine have separate compositions. Currently, there is no policy decision on providing a precaution dose … Read more

Covid-19: Precaution dose for all adults at private vaccination centres from April 10

Covid-19: Precaution dose for all adults at private vaccination centres from April 10

Precaution dose of COVID-19 vaccines will be available to all aged above 18 years at private vaccination centres from April 10, the Union Health Ministry announced on Friday. All those above the age of 18 who have completed nine months after the administration of the second dose will be eligible for the precaution dose, it … Read more