Total COVID-19 recoveries reach over 48.4 lakh with 93,420 cured in a day; recovery rate 82.14%


The total number of recoveries from COVID-19 surged to 48,49,584 on Saturday with 93,420 patients recuperating from the disease in a day which is more than the number of fresh cases recorded during the same period, the union health ministry said. With the recovery rate rising to 82.14 per cent, the ministry said India has … Read more

Great news! Potential COVID-19 drug to mitigate the consequences of coronavirus infection identified

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There is also a possibility that the project could get a three-year renewal. Coronavirus treatment: New drug to mitigate or prevent coronavirus infection may have been found! Researchers from the University of Malaga (UMA) and the Andalusian Centre for Nanomedicine and Biotechnology (BIONAND) have been making progress in the identification of new therapies that can … Read more

110-year-old woman recovers from coronavirus, discharged from Kerala hospital


Malappuram: In a matter of pride for the state health sector, a 110-year-old woman got discharged from a Medical College Hospital in North Kerala on Saturday after winning her battle against the novel coronavirus. State Health Minister K K Shailaja said Randathani Variath Pathu from Malappuram district is the oldest person who has recovered from … Read more

Fighting Coronavirus: Scientists devise ways to decontaminate used N-95 face masks, check details


He also highlighted that the fit and sea of the mask must remain intact if it is to be re-used. N-95 face mask, which is one of the most vital protective equipment worn by healthcare workers, can be reused for more than one time after it has been decontaminated. These findings are as per a … Read more

US-based BCM ties up with India’s BE for COVID-19 vaccine production

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The vaccine is still in trials in India with the hope that it will be able to roll out sometime next year. In the race to find a cure for the coronavirus infection, Texas-based Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) has entered into a licensing agreement with Indian pharmaceutical company Biological E Limited (BE) for the … Read more

Researchers developing kit that will differentiate various types of coronavirus infection

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This kit also has the advantage of detecting the coronavirus infection in very less time as it will be a rapid diagnostic kit for detection based on the change in colour, it added. (Representational image: PTI) With the support of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), researchers are developing an aptamer-based affordable diagnostic kit … Read more