91 COVID-19 cases reported in A.P. in 24 hours

91 COVID-19 cases reported in A.P. in 24 hours

Andhra Pradesh reported 91 fresh COVID-19 infections in the 24 hours ending Sunday morning. As per the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the active cases tally stands at 451 in the State. About 50 patients have recovered in the past day. COMMents SHARE Copy link Email Facebook Twitter Telegram LinkedIn WhatsApp Reddit Source link

Total COVID-19 recoveries reach over 48.4 lakh with 93,420 cured in a day; recovery rate 82.14%


The total number of recoveries from COVID-19 surged to 48,49,584 on Saturday with 93,420 patients recuperating from the disease in a day which is more than the number of fresh cases recorded during the same period, the union health ministry said. With the recovery rate rising to 82.14 per cent, the ministry said India has … Read more