AI search answers are the fast food of your information diet – convenient and tasty, but no substitute for good nutrition – ET HealthWorld

AI search answers are the fast food of your information diet – convenient and tasty, but no substitute for good nutrition – ET HealthWorld

Washington: If you have used Google lately and been lucky – or unlucky – enough to encounter an answer to your query rather than a bunch of links, you have been subjected to something called AI Overviews. This is a new core feature that Google has been rolling out, a move widely anticipated since the … Read more

Telehealth May be Convenient, But Costs Can Sneak Up on You

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“At the start of the pandemic, many providers and insurers removed copays for visits because they wanted to encourage telehealth,” says Ellimoottil. “Now we have copays coming back from big insurers. Ultimately, we don’t know yet what the net effect will be for patients, providers, or payers.” If telehealth leads to an increase in … Read more