Climate change: 2020 highly likely to become warmest year on record

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2020 is highly likely to be the warmest year on record! Climate change: 2020 is highly likely to be the warmest year on record! Since the collection of reliable records in the mid-1800s, the year 2020 could become the warmest year, US Climate Scientist and Analyst Zeke Hausfather has written in Carbon Brief. He stated … Read more

Climate Change is real and now: TEDxCountdown brings together eminent personalities to preserve environment

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Countdown is a collaboration of each and every individual who wishes to take part in reversing climate change. Climate change: For a long time now, climate change has been a cause of concern among experts. There have been numerous studies and warnings urging people to bring a change in their lifestyles to sustain the environment. … Read more

Protecting our environment: The role technology can play


Most of these applications are broadly utilized and have achieved critical results in the past. By Kunal Sood Extreme poverty, rapid deforestation, melting ice, and an impending novel coronavirus disaster are only a tip of the iceberg when it comes to discussing world’s most pressing problems. While economists and environmentalists are busy understanding the impact … Read more

Firms with sustainable purpose are doing better by all measures: Lord Nicholas Stern


Lord Nicholas Stern is IG Patel Chair of Economics and Government at the London School of Economics (LSE). The distinguished economist discusses his visionary insights on sustainable finance with ET Evoke:The term ‘sustainable’ means offering the next generation opportunities which are at least as good as ours. ‘Opportunities’ include human capital or health and education, … Read more

Could Wildfires Have Long-Term Health Effects?

Sept. 25, 2020 — Along with the rest of the world, Sarah B. Henderson, PhD, watched as massive wildfires blazed across California, Oregon, and Washington. “What happened on the West Coast this year wasn’t unexpected,” says Henderson, an international expert on wildfires. “Not that it was expected this year per se, but we just have … Read more

Where Trump and Biden Stand on Foreign Policy


This article is part of a Wall Street Journal guide comparing President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden on issues from climate change to health care and jobs. WASHINGTON—President Trump and Democratic opponent Joe Biden have profound differences in key areas of U.S. foreign policy, but hold similar views about some major goals, … Read more

In Oregon, a new climate menace: Fires raging where they don’t usually burn


By Christopher Flavelle and Henry Fountain The blazes that raced across western Oregon this week could be the most unexpected element in a fire season that’s full of surprises: not just more wildfires, but wildfires in places that don’t usually burn. The forests between Eugene and Portland haven’t experienced fires this severe in decades, experts … Read more

Ominous sign of global warming: How Greenland’s ice sheet has melted past “point of no return”

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Ice sheets will continue to melt going forward, even if humans are able to contain climate change. Greenland, also known as the second largest body of ice in the world is going under changes, and from the looks of it, it may be beyond a point from where there is no going back. Rise in … Read more

International conference on climate change and its impact on Himalayan region from September 14-16

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The reviewed presentations will be published on a thematic issue, titled Aerosols-Climate interaction and water resources over the Himalayas in the Journal of Earth System Science (JESS), it said. A three-day online international conference on aerosol air quality, climate change and its impact on water resources and livelihoods in the Greater Himalayas will be held … Read more

Climate Change Means Senior Health Could Suffer

By Alan Mozes HealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, Aug. 11, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Global warming may ultimately rain on everyone’s parade, but new research suggests that major thunderstorms are already wreaking some havoc on the respiratory health of seniors. That’s because atmospheric changes that precede storms increase the risk that older people with asthma … Read more