Cafes in Visakhapatnam are buzzing with art workshops, talks and live performances

Cafes in Visakhapatnam are buzzing with art workshops, talks and live performances

Participants at the sip and paint session in a cafe in Visakhapatnam. | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement Cafes and eateries of Visakhapatnam are turning out to be a lot more than a place to grab an espresso or cappuccino. From spaces to bond and connect, entertainment centres to art hubs and a platform to learn … Read more

Crisis Cafe’s young community serving up support

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Young people’s mental health has been in the spotlight during the Covid-19 pandemic and, for teenagers, the pandemic has put isolation, virus anxiety and educational pressures on top of the usual stresses. However, Newry’s Crisis Cafe is a place where young people can share their issues and support their peers – all while grabbing coffee … Read more

France to relax nightly curfew on May 19, to scrap it on June 30: Source


The French government will begin relaxing its COVID-19 curfew from May 19, a source familiar with the plan said on Thursday ahead of an expected announcement by President Emmanuel Macron. Macron told local newspapers in an interview that the nightly curfew would be moved back from 1900 to 2100 CET from May 19 and to … Read more