Celebrity Actors Film Their Colonoscopies to Bring Awareness

Celebrity Actors Film Their Colonoscopies to Bring Awareness

Sept. 14, 2022 — Actors Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney are taking on different roles: starring in a new campaign to raise awareness about the importance of screening for colon cancer. Using some humor to highlight a very serious topic, the two Hollywood stars filmed their own colonoscopies. Importantly, both Reynolds and McElhenney are 45 … Read more

Bounce Houses Bring Delight, But Injuries and Deaths Are Risks

Bounce Houses Bring Delight, But Injuries and Deaths Are Risks

Aug. 10, 2022 – No parent expects their child’s life to be at risk when they climb into a bouncy castle, but windy days and poor regulations can quickly turn glee into terror. In the past 2 decades, researchers found almost 500 injuries and nearly 30 deaths not only from high-wind-related bounce house incidents, but … Read more

Late Summer Heat May Bring Increased Risk of Miscarriage

Late Summer Heat May Bring Increased Risk of Miscarriage

July 15, 2022 – Summer heat is notorious for making the strain of pregnancy worse. But for many pregnant people, sweltering temperatures are much worse than a sweaty annoyance. New research shows that the risk of miscarriage rises sharply as the mercury climbs. In late August, for example, the risk of losing a pregnancy is … Read more

Eye Trouble May Bring Lower Scores on Seniors’ Thinking Tests

Eye Trouble May Bring Lower Scores on Seniors’ Thinking Tests

By Robert Preidt HealthDay ReporterHealthDay Reporter FRIDAY, May 20 2022 (HealthDay News) — Poor eyesight makes it harder to read and easier to trip. But it can also lead to a misdiagnosis of mild mental decline in older people, according to a new, small study. That can happen if someone’s thinking abilities are assessed using … Read more

Low-Fat Vegan Diet May Bring Relief From Rheumatoid Arthritis

Low-Fat Vegan Diet May Bring Relief From Rheumatoid Arthritis

April 25, 2022 – The aches and pains caused by rheumatoid arthritis appear to be connected to what we eat, but researchers haven’t been able to develop an ideal diet for patients. Now, a new study in women suggests that adopting a low-fat vegan diet and then getting rid of trigger foods may bring relief … Read more

‘Zapping’ Air Passages May Bring Relief for Severe Asthma

‘Zapping’ Air Passages May Bring Relief for Severe Asthma

FRIDAY, March 18, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Inhalers, pills or injections help most people control their asthma, but some with severe disease opt for cutting-edge surgery that “remodels” their airways to improve their breathing. Bronchial thermoplasty shrinks smooth muscle in the lungs, which prevents them from tightening up and causing an attack. The U.S. Food … Read more

More Olive Oil May Bring Longer Life

By Denise Mann HealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, Jan. 11, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Swapping outthe butter or other artery-clogging fats in your diet for heart-healthy olive oil may add years to your life, researchers say. Folks who consume more than 1/2 a tablespoon of olive oil a day are less likely to die from heart disease, … Read more