Black fungus: Patients opt for leech therapy; All you need to know


Leech therapy is an Ayurvedic practice that relies on a blood purification process to let out the toxic blood from the body. There has been an alarming number of mucormycosis or black fungus cases in active and recovered Covid-19 patients. In May, the Centre had even asked all states to notify the disease as an … Read more

Mucormycosis: Doctor explains types of black fungus, medical tests to diagnose them

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The prevalence of both these types has been reported in patients who have already recovered from Coronavirus as well as those undergoing Covid-19 treatment currently. The panic with the sudden rise in the cases of Mucormycosis (also known as Black Fungus) has gripped the country with people suffering from Coronavirus particularly vulnerable to the disease. … Read more

Mucormycosis: As India struggles with Black Fungus, doctors say Methylene Blue can be a solution, demand detailed study on priority


Mold-tainted humidifier and oxygen piper are also to blame for cases of Black Fungus. (Photo Source: PTI) Black Fungus: As India is in the middle of the second coronavirus wave, it is facing another challenge in the form of mucormycosis, commonly referred to as Black Fungus. The cases of mucormycosis in Covid-19 positive patients are … Read more

‘Black fungus’ infection in Covid patients can be prevented: Here’s 3-point action plan by AIIMS chief Dr Randeep Guleria

Black Fungus treatment ENT Hospital Hyderabad PTI photo

A doctor performs Diagnostic Nasal Endoscopy on a patient to detect Black Fungus at government ENT Hospital in Hyderabad. (PTI photo) Black fungus has been declared an epidemic by five states across India. Many people who have recovered from the Covid-19 infection are now suffering from Mucormycosis. Some have lost their eyes. In some cases, … Read more

As cases increase, Centre asks state governments to report all Black Fungus cases

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Warning against loosening guard against Covid-19 pandemic, he further said that people should wear double face masks as the Black Fungus infection might spread from construction sites. (Credit: The Indian Express) With several states reporting a large number of Coronavirus patients suffering from supplementary fungal infection mucormycosis, the central government has asked the state governments … Read more

Black Fungus: Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan says awareness, early diagnosis key to curb infection, shares general advisory

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Patients who had severe Covid-19 infection and were admitted for a long time in ICU are likely to have weak immunity which renders them more vulnerable to the infection. Amidst rising concern over the increasing number of cases of Black Fungus among recovered Coronavirus patients, Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan today said that awareness about … Read more