India lags in biomass co-firing targets

India lags in biomass co-firing targets

This recalcitrance by power manufacturers has prompted the government to consider cutting coal supply to non-compliant plants This recalcitrance by power manufacturers has prompted the government to consider cutting coal supply to non-compliant plants India has been severely lagging in ensuring that at least 5% of coal used in thermal plants was mixed with biomass … Read more

Is the use of Biomass a sustainable alternative to address Delhi’s air pollution?

Is the use of Biomass a sustainable alternative to address Delhi’s air pollution?

According to the World Health Organization, around 7 million premature deaths occur due to air pollution, and 4 million of these people belong to the Asia-pacific region. By Gaurav Kedia, Air pollution affects everyone from unborn babies to school-going children to senior citizens, wherever we are, whether inside the house or on the street. Children … Read more