Postpartum Depression Affects Dads, Too

July 6, 2021 — Postpartum depression isn’t just something new mothers can get. Turns out it can affect new fathers, too, according to a new study. Michael W., a 38-year-old New Jersey-based attorney, and his wife had been excitedly planning for the birth of their baby and were overjoyed when she was born. … Read more

Pandemic May Have Created a ‘Baby Bust,’ Not Boom

“The severity of a pandemic, the disparities that continue to exist, as well as shutdown of fertility services and a shutdown of immigration, which is a big contributor to birth rate, are all factors linked to the significant decline in births,” Gupta said. “So, it’s not unexpected. The numbers have been declining in the … Read more

Tech making it easier to see inside babies’ brains


Scientists in the UK have demonstrated technology that could allow us to better understand a baby’s brain during moments of natural activity. The brain imaging technology has been developed by teams from UCL, Cambridge University, the Rosie Hospital in Cambridge and Gowerlabs. It uses high-density diffuse optical tomography (HD-DOT) and has been tested on six-month … Read more

Microplastics Seeping Out of Baby Bottles: Study

By Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter MONDAY, Oct. 19, 2020 (HealthDay News) — New parents preparing a bottle for their baby should know the infant may ingest unwanted microplastics along with the nourishing formula, a new study warns. High levels of microplastic particles are released from baby bottles during formula preparation, researchers … Read more

Giving babies gluten early ‘worth exploring’

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Image copyright Getty Images Introducing gluten to a baby’s diet before six months may prevent children developing coeliac disease, research suggests. The findings are “really exciting” but larger trials are needed before any benefits can be confirmed, says the King’s College London team. Current advice is that babies should only be given solids from six … Read more